LCS60 Software
Configure Protocols and Gateway Services — srvsetup
1 Configure an Ethernet Interface
2 Delete an Ethernet Interface
3 Display all Interfaces that are configured
Enter Menu Selection
[? for help, q to quit, RETURN for menu]
==> 1
This option will automatically delete each interface that was
previously configured. It reconstructs the Ethernet interface
database from scratch and requires the user to reconfigure
each interface again.
Do you want to continue? [y, n, ?] y
Enter a name for Ethernet Interface 0
[? for help, q for menu]
==> morse-e0
Enter aliases for morse-e0
Separate each alias with blanks
Hit return if there are no aliases [q to quit]
==> mor
Enter morse-e0 internet address (e.g. [q to quit]
Enter official name of network [154.12] or q to quit
==> dock-net
Enter aliases for dock-net
Separate each alias with blanks
Hit return if there are no aliases [q to quit]
==> Return
==> Is dock-net [154.12] divided into subnets ? [y, n, ?] y
Enter name of subnet to be added
[? for help, q for quit]
==> m-net0
Enter number of mask bits for this subnet
[? for help, q for quit]
==> 8
Entering Ethernet interface 0 morse-e0 []
==> Is this correct? [y, n] y
Ethernet interface 0 morse-e0 [] configured !
Enter Menu Selection
[ ? for help, q to quit, RETURN for menu ]
==> q
3-20 Issue 3