Error Messages
Server Error Messages
When communications between the LCS60 and the data switch are interrupted,
the server detects the problem and prints the following error message on the host
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * The Server for servername is having problems
* * * Please get someone to attend to it.
* * * The last error was: date
* * * dkmgr: Unable to contact CommKit for Server servername
* * * * * * * * * *
servername is the name of the server reporting the problem. The server-
name must be defined in the data switch node database.
date is the date, time, process ID, and channel number of the problem. This
has the form: Sep 25 08:45:40 (112) [0.000]. The number in
parentheses is the process ID of the dkserver process encountering the
problem. The number in brackets [0.000] is in x.yyy format; x indicates the
interface number and yyy indicates the channel number on which the
error occurred.
If you get this error message, look in the dksrvlog file for additional information
and check the state of the CPM-HS module on the data switch node console and
all hardware connections.
Call Error Messages
The error messages that may appear when placing a call through the CommKit
Host Interface are listed in Appendix C.
8-44 Issue 3