FTP FTP ( 1 )
proxy ftp-cmd
Execute an FTP command on a secondary control connection. This com-
mand enables you to open simultaneous connections to two FTP servers
and transfer files between them instead of between the local client and a
server. The original FTP connection is called the primary control connec-
tion; the connection made through the proxy command is called the secon-
dary control connection. The server on the secondary connection must
support the FTP protocol command PASV.
The first proxy command should be open, to establish the secondary connection.
The proxy command ? will display the list of commands that can be used on the
secondary connection. The following FTP commands behave differently when
executed as proxy commands: the open command will not define new macros dur-
ing auto-login; the close command will not erase existing macro definitions; the get
and mget commands will transfer files from the primary server to the secondary
server; the put, mput, and append commands will transfer files from the secondary
server to the primary server.
put local-file [remote-file]
Store local-file on the remote host. If remote-file is not specified, the remote
file will be named local-file. File transfer uses the current settings for type,
format, mode, and structure.
pwd Print the pathname of the current working directory on the remote host.
quit A synonym for bye.
quote arg ...
The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A
single FTP reply code is expected in return. This command is used to
avoid processing of a command by the local FTP client, and facilitates the
sending of an explicit FTP protocol command to the remote server when
the client does not implement the related command.
recv remote-file [local-file]
A synonym for get.
reget remote-file [local-file]
Similar to get, but if local-file already exists and is smaller than remote-file, it
is assumed to be a partially transferred copy of the file. The transfer is
resumed from an offset into the remote file equal to the byte count of the
local file.
rename remote-file new-name
Rename the remote-file to new-name on the remote host.
reset Clear the reply queue to resynchronize the command/reply mechanism
between the client and server.
restart marker
When followed immediately by a get or put command, restart the file
transfer at the indicated marker, which is usually a byte offset into the file.
Issue 3 E-15