lcsadm Interface
Name show
Synopsis show
Description The show command gives information about the LCS60,
including details such as process ID, start time, location of
log files, log levels, and number of software servers.
Name update
Synopsis update
Description The update command resets the LCS60 manager
In addition to the main directories (Top, Service, Ports, Session, and Config), a
Server directory (Screen 8-6) is available from the Manager directory.
Note: The Server directory is a diagnostic tool for checking protocol service
information and is not intended for normal administrative purposes.
Screen 8-6: Server Directory
Top>Manager># server
># Return
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
config/ help log manager/ ports/
quit service/ session/ show top/
types ^ !
The following commands are available from the Server directory:
Name log
Synopsis log service-type level
Issue 3 8-15