Error Messages
Outgoing Call Error Messages
Could not complete your call. Try again
The call could not be completed because:
— The autodialer failed to complete the dialing sequence, or
— The port connected to the autodialer was removed from service
during the call.
Destination not recognized
Some part of the requested destination is not defined in the network. The
network does not allow this host to have access to the requested destina-
tion. The requested destination is not well formed (too many slashes).
Dial to vlp error
The call could not be completed because an error occurred converting the
dialstring to vlp format.
Dialed number is busy
The call was dialed successfully and a busy signal was detected.
Dialer error
The call could not be completed due to an error detected by an old autodi-
Dialstring too long
The call was denied because the length of the dialstring was larger than
the network maximum.
Directory Assistance
The user has requested directory assistance.
Dkserver: Can’t open line. Call System Administrator
The call could not be completed because the remote host interface server
could not open the data switch special device file needed to accept the call.
If you are using the dk command and this error occurs, it may be due to
improper configuration of dkdaemon on the machine you are calling.
You may also see this error message on an incoming call from a DESTINA-
TION prompt displayed as error code 130.
Issue 3 C-3