User Information
Async-to-TCP Gateway Service
A user on a terminal connected to the data switch network directly or through a
modem can use the LCS60 connectivity to reach LAN-connected hosts or works-
The preferred method is to enter <lcs60_call_address>.telnet at the DESTINA-
TION: prompt. This gives the telnet prompt to which the user supplies the host
or workstation with the open command for telnet. The next login prompt is
from the host workstation on the LAN. An example is shown in the screen
DESTINATION: earth/brown.telnet
telnet> open
For each destination that an async-to-TCP gateway service user may wish to
1 . The LCS60 must be configured to use a DNS server, or
2 . The name of that destination must be properly entered into the LCS60’s
configuration database (e.g., through the addhost command), or
3 . The user must request the destination from the telnet prompt by opening a
dotted IP numerical address (e.g., open
Additionally, a host IP address can be specified in one of the following ways:
Host name (e.g., telnet..moon)
Dotted IP address (telnet..
Fully qualified DNS name (telnet..moon.lab.att.com).
Once the user is finished and exits the telnet session, the DESTINATION prompt
is returned.
A refinement of this service is shown on the screen below. The LAN can be
reached directly from the DESTINATION prompt.
Issue 3 7-11