
User Information
Note: If the socket port has not been configured with a PDD, additional fields
for the LCS60 call address prompt and data switch call address of the
host must be added to the line above.
Using port 2981 as configured above (and referring to Figure 7-1), the string
would be:
watson Any TCP,g 2981 morse in: nuucp word: nuucp123
Example UUCP Service Using NCR 4.0
To use socket service to initiate a uucp connection to a data-switch connected
host from an NCR on the LAN, perform the following steps on the LAN-
connected NCR computer:
1 . Add the following entry to the /etc/uucp/Systems file on the originating
LAN-connected NCR host:
host_name Any LCST,g - area/exch/host_name in: nuucp word: password
host_name is the host name of the data switch connected host. area and
exch represent the area and exchange of the data switch to which
host_name is connected.
2 . Add the following entry to the /etc/uucp/Devices file on the originating
LAN-connected NCR host:
LCST tcp - - TLI \x0002YYYYZZZZZZZZ lcst \D
YYYY is the port defined for socket service on the LCS60 (in hex)
ZZZZZZZZ is the IP address of the LCS60 (in hex) and can be
obtained by executing:
/usr/etc/rfsaddr -h "
on the LCS60. At the prompt, enter -; the IP address will
be the eight rightmost hex digits.
3 . Add the following entry to the /etc/uucp/Dialers file on the originating
LAN-connected NCR host:
lcst "" "" \d TION:--TION: \D
Issue 3 7-17