Access to Gateway Services – Dialstrings
port Is an optional TCP port number to which the user wants to con-
nect on the remote host. For example, to connect to a remote
host’s daytime TCP service, the user would specify port 23.
An example is shown in the following screen:
DESTINATION: mlkway/earth/brown.telnet..-eoff:-8:-D Ctrl-C :moon
Circuit Open
Trying to connect to ...
Connected to
8-bit character mode is enabled.
Local Escape character ’CTRL ]’ is disabled.
Local Interrupt Key is ’CTRL C’.
Local BREAK Key is enabled.
UNIX System V Release 4.0 Version 2.1 (moon)
Inactivity Timeout Option
An inactivity timeout option can be enabled for Async-to-TCP telnet and tcpsock
services. This option allows the administrator to place constraints on user ses-
sions that remain inactive for long periods of time. When enabled, this option
will terminate all sessions that meet or exceed the inactivity timeout value. The
value is the number of consecutive minutes [i.e., 1 – 1440 (= 1 day)] that elapse
without any activity. This option applies to all users requesting this service. To
enable this option, edit the /etc/opt/dk/srvtab/telnet file for telnet and/or the
/etc/opt/dk/srvtab/tcpsock file for tcpsock by adding the -Iminutes option. An exam-
ple of editing the telnet file to set a 60 minute timeout (-I60) is shown below:
# System Service Flag User Program Initial Parms
* telnet R root /usr/etc/lcs/ftslisten \
Issue 3 7-9