Initial parms field, A-7
Initial setup, 3-3
Initsetup, 3-6, 8-5
example, 3-6
Installation, 2-6
application software, 9-9
CPM-HS module, 2-20
hardware, 2-1
StarKeeper II NMS, B-1
UFS Utility Fixes tape, 9-7
Interface, G-2
address, G-4, G-8
name, G-4
Internet, G-2
Internet host address, G-5
Internet network address, G-5
InterPPP, F-14
Inuse, G-20
IP address
assignment, 1-17, 4-15
assignment by the LCS60, 1-17
configuration, 4-4, 5-4
privately administered static, 4-15
screen, F-17
server, 4-5, 5-4
static, 4-15, 5-11
IP addressing
reserved, 5-11
IP network address, 4-7, 5-7
IP network security group, 1-15, 2-21,
4-3, 5-3
IP network security group name, G-5
IP packets
routed, 1-7
IP routing, 1-14
IP subnetworks, 1-13
Ipas, 3-15, 4-4, 5-3to5-4
IPX, 4-7, G-2
IPX address, 4-7
IPX example screens, F-9
IPX header compression, 4-15
IPX network
configuration, 4-7
IPX over PPP, F-6
IPX parameters, 4-7
IPX protocol, 1-9
IPX virtual network assignment, 1-9
Ipxas, 3-23
Ipxnetstat, E-26
Ipxping, E-27
PPP connection, 4-14
Kill, 8-8
LAN, G-2
LAN protocols, 1-6
LAN to LCS60 to data switch, 7-15
LCM, 8-13, G-2
start, 8-14
stop, 8-14
lcm.log, 8-14, 8-47
LCS, G-2
LCS50, B-1
LCS60 Backup and Restore Configura-
tion menu, 8-26
Lcsadm, 3-4
Lcsadm interface, 3-4, 8-3
directory structure, 8-4
Lcsadm (service field), A-3
Issue 2 I-7