LCS60 Configuration and Connection for SLIP Service
Note: Do not use the IP addresses shown in the example as they should follow
your corporate IP address convention.
7 . Configure the Ethernet interface (etherif):
Enter etherif at the Top>Config># prompt or enter config etherif
from the Top directory.
Follow the on-screen instructions for configuring the ethernet
interface. (Refer to the example in Screen 5-3.)
Screen 5-3: Configure the Ethernet Interface – Example
Top>Config># etherif
1 Configure an Ethernet Interface
2 Delete an Ethernet Interface
3 Display all Interfaces that are configured
Enter Menu Selection
[ ? for help, q to quit, RETURN for menu ]
==> 1
This option will automatically delete each interface that was
previously configured. It reconstructs the Ethernet interface
database from scratch and requires the user to reconfigure
each interface again.
Enter a name for Ethernet Interface 0
[? for help, q for menu]
==> morse-e0
Enter aliases for morse-e0
Separate each alias with blanks
Hit return if there are no aliases [q to quit]
==> mor
Enter morse-e0 internet address (e.g. [q to quit]
Enter official name of network [154.12] or q to quit
==> dock-net
Screen 5-3: continued on next page
Issue 3 5-7