DNS Resolver (dns)
domain The domain this machine and its name server(s) belong to.
nameserver The nameserver is identified by its internet address using dotted
decimal notation. Multiple servers may be defined in your confi-
guration file; they will be accessed in the order listed until a con-
nection to a server is made.
Define Service Sessions (maxsessions)
This parameter defines the session type: async-to-TCP (asytcp),
TCP-to-async (tcpasy), PPP (ppp), SLIP (slip), and ARAP (arap).
maxsessions defines the maximum number of supported LCS60
sessions for all services.
The number of sessions you want to configure for a specific ser-
vice. Maximum values: maxsessions (180 for a single protocol or
500 for gateway service or, if other protocols are running, the
maximum value is 120), asytcp, tcpasy (500 or 120 if other proto-
cols are running), slip, ppp, arap (120).
SLIP/PPP Service (ipas/ipx)
IP Network
Security Group
A name (1–8 characters) for the workgroup in which the
user will be assigned an IP address.
Internet network
Enter the IP network address for the Network Security
subnet The system will ask if the the IP network address for the
Network security group is divided in to subnets. If y, it will
prompt for the number of mask bits.
mask bits Enter the number of mask bits. Refer to the section Subnet
Configuration (subnet) later in this Glossary.
internet host
Enter the IP host address allocated for the user ID within the
Network Security Group selected.
Issue 3 G-5