
Backup and Restore Operations
Screen 8-9: Backup/Restore Menu
1. Define, delete, and list backup_restore servers
2. Create, delete, and restore backups from a remote server
3. Copy backups to/from tape
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or ^ to GO BACK ]
==> 3
To copy all variable configuration files to tape, select item 3 on the
Backup/Restore menu (Screen 8-9) and then item 3 on the Tape Backup
Management menu (Screen 8-10).
Screen 8-10: Tape Backup Management Menu
1. Display the contents of a backup-restore tape
2. Selectively copy variable files from tape to disk
3. Copy ALL variable files to tape
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or ^ to GO BACK ]
==> 3
Insert a blank tape which is not write-protected into the tape drive when
instructed to do so. If the LCS60 has been configured as a backup/restore server,
the tape that is created will also contain the backups of all of the server’s clients.
This copy all function should always be used to back up backup/restore servers.
Although it is possible to use the centralized backup/restore facility to back up a
server, the user is strongly urged not to do this, since doing so consumes a large
amount of disk space on the server and provides no additional network security.
For example, if an entire network were backed up remotely to a server and the
8-28 Issue 3