Backup and Restore Operations
Defining Backup/Restore Clients on the Server
To define which machines may be backed up by a server, select option 1 from
Screen 8-11 to obtain the menu shown in Screen 8-13.
Screen 8-13: Centralized Backup Client Definition Menu
1. Enter/change a backup-restore client
2. Delete a backup-restore client
3. List backup-restore clients
4. Show backup-restore status: a client or a server
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or ^ to GO BACK ]
==> 1
Select option 1 to begin the dialogue to add the client. See the example below:
Enter the names and data switch call addresses of clients that are
to be backed up by this server.
Enter client name
[ Type q to quit or ? for help ]
==> brown
Enter Data Switch call address of client "brown"
[ Type q to quit or ? for help ]
==> mlkway/earth/brown
NEW: brown -- mlkway/earth/brown
Enter client name
[ Type q to quit or ? for help ]
==> q
It is essential when entering the call address of a client that the originating group
name of the client be identical to the data switch’s local address of the client.
8-34 Issue 3