PEER Addr: 2010.114 Class: 0 AT Comp: none
Zone: Research Lab Imp ID: Route Proto: none
Router: 2010.1 Name: Broadcast Supp: none
Top>Session># show ppp 1.1 ip
LCS60 Point-to-Point Session IP Configuration: Feb 05 07:56:24
Peer Peer Local Local
Peer Max Comp Local Max Comp
Sesid State Addr Slot Slot Addr Slot Slot
===== ======== =============== ==== ==== =============== ===== =====
1.1 opened 15 1 15 1
Call Trace Example
The following screen shows how to obtain call trace information for PPP.
Top>Session> # trace ppp
LCS60 Point-to-Point Tracking Information: Feb 1 07:45:13
Sesid Name Remote User Chan Switch Address
===== ==== ============ ==== =======================
1.3 p499 smccoy 499 yard/gazebo.39.4
1.6 p496 hartnell 496 yard/gazebo.39.7
1.8 p493 troughtn 493 yard/gazebo.39.9
1.9 p492 jpertwee 492 yard/gazebo.39.10
1.10 p491 tbaker 491 yard/gazebo.39.11
1.11 p490 pdavison 490 yard/gazebo.39.12
1.12 p489 cbaker 489 yard/gazebo.39.13
4-20 Issue 3