LCS60 Software
Initial Setup
Top># config
Top>Config># Return
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
addhost addnet atalkas backup console
datetime delhost delnet dftroute dns
etherif help initsetup ipas ipx
manager/ maxsessions nodename ports/ protocol
quit service/ session/ snmp softwarekey
srvports srvsetup subnet top/ upgrade
viewhosts viewnets ^ !
Top>Config># init
Step 10 Enter init (at Top>Config>) to start the initsetup routine.
Step 11 Follow the menus in the initsetup; they will guide you through the
essential items that must be configured for basic LCS60 operation (as
shown in Figure 3-2). A sample initsetup session is presented on the
following screen.
Top>Config># init
LCS60 Initial Setup and Configuration Procedure
The "initsetup" procedure leads you through the steps to initially set up this
LCS60 by entering the node name, time and date, and the software key.
*** This step allows the LCS60 Administrator to set the node name.
*** This is the name by which other hosts know this LCS60.
The LCS60 is currently called "sysV68".
==> Do you want to change it? [y, n, ?, q] y
Enter the new node name for this LCS60
[? for help, q to quit]
==> morse
*** This step allows the LCS60 Administrator to set the timezone, date, and
*** time of the LCS60 system clock.
Current time and time zone is: 13:33 EST
==> Change the time zone? [y, n, ?, q] n
Current date and time: Mon. 08/17/95 13:33
==> Change the date and time? [y, n, ?, q] n
3-6 Issue 3