LCS60 Configuration and Connection for PPP Service
DESTINATION: mlkway/earth/morse.ppp
DESTINATION: mlkway/earth/morse.ppp..-q0:-e6
DESTINATION: mlkway/earth/morse.ppp..-D
DESTINATION: mlkway/earth/morse.ppp..-Con
The options for the dialstrings are described below.
-qN: Specifies whether or not priority queueing is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
By default, priority queueing is enabled. In priority queueing, IP
datagrams are marked as either interactive (e.g., telnet packets) or non-
interactive (e.g., FTP packets); interactive datagrams are always queued
in front of non-interactive datagrams. This reduces latency in interactive
applications such as telnet, rlogin, etc., and yields better response time.
The queue is located between the IP protocol and the data switch, there-
fore, priority queueing only affects datagrams flowing from the LCS60 to
the data switch.
-eN Specifies whether echo requests are disabled (0) and the time to discon-
nect (N, where N is a number greater than 3). By default, the LCS60 will
send out an echo request every 60 seconds over each PPP connection to
check that each link is up. After three minutes, if there is no echo reply
received from the client, the LCS60 will hang up the connection. The
three-minute wait is configurable by specifying the number of minutes
desired. In the screen above, the -e option has been used to specify a
six-minute wait before hang up.
Note: Three minutes is the minimum allowed time to disconnect. If
you specify a time less than three minutes, the system will main-
tain the three-minute time to disconnect.
-D Specifies that the user be assigned an IP address dynamically (rather
than use a reserved IP address) provided a negotiable IP address has
been administered in the client software package. Without the -D
option, the reserved IP address for the user (if any exist) is assigned.
4-14 Issue 3