Installing the LCS60
1 . Serial Port 1 should be optioned to emulate DCE operation. This is the
default; therefore, if you haven’t changed anything there will be no need
to change the option.
2 . Connect the LCS60 rear panel connector labeled "Serial Port 1" to an asyn-
chronous port using a straight-through connection (D8AH connector);
connect the 25-pin end to the LCS60.
3 . Configure the asynchronous port on the data switch according to Table
2-4 as a receiving group. Conduct the dialogues shown in Screen 2-1 or
2-2 on the data switch console to:
a . Configure a group on the data switch network for the asynchronous port
connected to the LCS60
b . Configure a name pointing to this group which can be used to access the
LCS60 console port. (Refer to the appropriate Lucent Technologies data
switch Node Reference Guide for complete instructions.)
Note: If you already have a terminal attached to the data switch that has a DES-
TINATION prompt, skip to step 7.
Screen 2-1: TY Configuration Dialogue
CC0> enter group
GROUP [up to 8 chars]: gmorscon
TYPE [local, trunk: +(local)]: local
DIRECTION [originate, receive, 2way]: receive
DEVICE OR HOST [up to 8 chars]: morscon
HOST AUTOBAUD [on, off: +(off)]: off
ROUND ROBIN SERVICE [per_port, per_module, none: +(none)]: Return
Creating New Host: morscon
GROUP [up to 8 chars]: Delete
CC0> enter ty
TY TYPE [12 or ba12]: 12
Issue 3 2-13