Backup and Restore Operations
A restore from server example follows:
Restore a client’s variable files.
Clients known by this server
Enter client name
[ Type q to quit or ? for help ]
==> brown
Backups for client "brown"
wednesday -- Dec 19 10:48
monday -- Dec 17 09:55
Type name of backup or press RETURN for default of "wednesday"
[ Type q to quit ]
==> Return
Restoring backup named "wednesday" .
- Retrieving backup stored on server "morse" .
- "morse" calling "brown": send backup.
- "morse" calling "brown": install backup.
Select a type of restore.
1 ... COMPLETE : Return the machine to the state defined by the backup.
........ : ......................................................
2 ... Password : User ids and passwords
3 ... Server : Centralized backup/restore control files
4 ... Config : Protocol and services configuration files
Enter a restore number
[ Type q to quit or ? for help ]
==> 2
You have selected a "Password" restore.
A "Password" restore will recover these files and directories
IF they existed at the time the backup was made.
- /etc/group
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
Do you wish to proceed with a "Password" restore? [y, n, ?, q] y
Proceeding with a "Password" restore.
Reading the archive. Please wait ... Done.
Restore complete !!
Restored the following files and directories.
+ /etc/group
+ /etc/passwd
+ /etc/shadow
Issue 3 8-37