User Information
LAN to LCS60 to Data Switch
To transfer files, using uucp, from an Ethernet host to the LCS60 to a host
attached to a data switch, the system administrator must configure a service port
for socket service.
Note: Configuration of the service port for socket service requires super user
To configure the service, the administrator can assign a PDD (of the destination
to which you will be transferring files) to the service port. (If a PDD is not
assigned, once connected, the system will return the LCS60 call address prompt
for the user to enter the destination desired.) The screen below shows an exam-
ple based on Figure 7-1 for the Ethernet host topper connected to the LCS60
morse to send files over port 2981 to host watson.
# lcsadm
Top> # config srvports
1. Display/Change the LCS60 call address prompt
2. Add a service port
3. Delete a service port
4. Change/modify a service port
5. Display service ports
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT or ? for HELP ]
==> 2
Enter service port number
[ Type q to QUIT or ? for HELP ]
==> 2981
Enter service type "telnet", "socket", or "directory" for port 2981
[ Type q to QUIT or ? for HELP ]
==> socket
Enter Pre-Defined call address or dash (-) for no call address
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or press RETURN for default of "-" ]
==> mlkway/earth/watson
Enter TCP window size
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or press RETURN for default of "1024" ]
==> 8192
Enable the LCS60 NOHUP (no hangup) feature for this port?
Issue 3 7-15