Exit status is zero for normal termination, a positive number for error termination.
The diagnostic messages displayed for an unsuccessful search are:
The server did not respond to a request after a certain amount of time
(changed with set timeout=x) and a certain number of retries (changed
with set retry=x).
No information
Depending on the query type set with the set query command, no informa-
tion about the host was available, though the host name is valid.
Nonexistent domain
The host or domain name does not exist.
Connection refused
Network is unreachable
The connection to the name or finger server could not be made at the
current time. This error commonly occurs with finger requests.
Server failure
The name server found an internal inconsistency in its database and could
not return a valid answer.
The name server refused to service the request.
Format error
The name server found that the request packet was not in the proper for-
mat. NOTE: This error indicates that there is a bug in the program.
If you are connected to a name server that handles more than one domain, all host
names used in requests must be fully qualified by their domain. For example, the
server seismo.css.gov handles three domains: harvard.edu, css.gov, and
cornell.edu. A request for the host aiken in the domain harvard.edu must be speci-
fied as aiken.harvard.edu. The set domain=name and set defname commands can
be used to automatically append a domain name to each request.
named.boot(4), resolv.conf(4)
Issue 3 E-33