Removing the LCS60 Application Software
Note: Although the file /usr/etc/pppd.conf is saved when an R1.0 or R2.0 package
is removed, it is not needed for R3.0 and will not be reloaded when you
load R3.0.
To upgrade an existing R1.0 or R2.0 LCS60 to R3.0, you will need an LCS60 R3.0
Application Tape (tape 3 of 3). To perform the upgrade:
1 . As root from the Console login, stop all services (lcsadm stop all).
2 . Determine if you have any patches on R1.0 or R2.0 by executing the
pkginfo command as shown in the example below:
# pkginfo -l lcs60p
PKGINST: lcs60p
NAME: LCS60 R1.0 Official Maintenance Patch #2 (Cumulative)
CATEGORY: system, utilities
ARCH: m88k
VERSION: R1.0 Bld24 P2
PSTAMP: R1.0 Bld24 P2 03/24/95 13:31:40
INSTDATE: June 19 1995 03:55
STATUS: completely installed
FILES: 15 installed pathnames
15 shared pathnames
10 executables
1 setuid/setgid executables
7943 blocks used (approx)
The line NAME on the screen above will indicate if there is a patch.
3 . If you have a patch, remove it first by entering: pkgrm lcs60p. If no patch
is installed, you will received the following message:
Error: information for "lcs60p" was not found
Issue 3 9-15