Typical Administrative Tasks
*** The system console "autobaud feature" is currently enabled!
==> Do you want to "disable" it? [y, n, ?] y
The system console "autobaud feature" is now disabled!
You must first log off the system console in order for this change
to take effect.
1. Disable/Enable Autobaud Feature
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT or ? for HELP ]
==> q
Backup and Restore Operations
The LCS60 backup and restore capabilities have been provided to help protect
the substantial investment in time and effort that may have been required to
work out the necessary networking definitions, administer them using LCS60
commands and functions, and then verify that they are correct. The
backup/restore facilities even permit a brand new LCS60 to be substituted with
no loss of functionality for one that has been catastrophically damaged (see the
section Reload System Software in Chapter 9).
Note: Release 1 or 2 backups cannot be used on Release 3 systems.
The backup and restore operations can be accessed as shown in Figure 8-8, or by
entering backup from the Config directory.
Issue 3 8-25