Processor Board Firmware Update
If the MVME197E processor board has been replaced, the set and env must be
executed to reset the time and date and autoboot functions.
After replacing the board, attach a console to the console port on the rear of the
LCS60 as described in Chapter 2. Then turn the LCS60 rear power switch on.
Within a few seconds, boot messages will begin to appear on the console screen.
At the 197-Bug prompt use the set command to enter the date (in the format
mmddyyhhmm, that is, month, day, year, hour, minute), and use the env com-
mand to reset the autoboot. Refer to Screen 9-6.
Note: Responses to the prompts generated by the env command are listed in
the table below.
_ ________________________________________________________
Bug or System environment [B/S]=S? B
_ ________________________________________________________
Field Service Menu Enable [Y/N]=Y? N
_ ________________________________________________________
Remote Start Method Switch [G/M/B/N]=B? B
_ ________________________________________________________
Probe System for Supported Disk/Tape Controllers [Y/N]=Y? Y
_ ________________________________________________________
Negate VMEbus SYSFAIL* Always [Y/N]=N? N
_ ________________________________________________________
Local SCSI Bus Reset on Debugger Startup [Y/N]=N? Y
_ ________________________________________________________
Local SCSI Bus Negotiations Type [A/S/N]=A? A
_ ________________________________________________________
Ignore CFGA Block on a Hard Disk Boot [Y/N]=Y? Y
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot Enable [Y/N]= N? Y
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot at power-up only [Y/N]= Y? N
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot Controller LUN = 00? 0
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot Device LUN = 00? 0
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot Abort Delay = 15? 15
_ ________________________________________________________
Auto Boot Default String [NULL for an empty string]=? <CR>
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot Enable [Y/N]=N? N
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot at power-up only [Y/N]=Y? Y
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot Enable search of VMEbus [Y/N]=N? N
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot Abort Delay =0? 0
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot Direct Starting Address = FF800000? FF800000
_ ________________________________________________________
ROM Boot Direct Ending Address - FFBFFFFC? FFBFFFFC
_ ________________________________________________________
Network Auto Boot Enable [Y/N]= N? N
_ ________________________________________________________
_ ________________________________________________________
Issue 3 9-19