Reload System Software
LCS60 Application Software Installation
To install the LCS60 Application:
1 . Be sure the /var file system has enough space (approximately 60,000 blocks
required); then:
2 . Insert the LCS60 Application tape (tape 3 of 3) in the tape drive and con-
duct the dialogue (as root; from the Console login) shown in Screen 9-4.
Note: Package installation will be aborted if the inet package has not been
removed (use pkginfo -l inet to check for the package) or, if a version of
the LCS60 package is already installed (use pkginfo -l lcs60 and pkginfo
-l lcs60p to check for the LCS60 package and patch, respectively).
Error: information for "inet" was not found
indicates that the inet package has already been removed.
Note: In the pkgadd -d /dev/rmt/ctape1 command, the last character is a one
not the letter L; similarly, in pkginfo -l, the character is a one.
Screen 9-4: LCS60 Application Software Installation
# pkgadd -d /dev/rmt/ctape1
Insert a cartridge tape into Cartridge Tape Drive.
Type [go] when ready,
or [q] to quit: go
Installation in progress.
The following packages are available:
1 lcs60 LCS60 Network Interface
(m88k) R3.0 Bldxx
Select package(s) you wish to process (or ’all’ to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: Return
Issue 3 9-9