
Backup and Restore Operations
Changing a Server to a Client
To reconfigure a server as a client, delete all of its clients (option 2 on Screen 8-
13). An LCS60 configured as a backup/restore server will be re-configured as a
backup/restore client as soon as it deletes all of its clients.
Backup or Restore Functions
From a Client
To initiate a backup or restore from a client, log onto the client; select option 2
Screen 8-9; see Table 8-2 for the tasks shown on Screen 8-14.
Screen 8-14: Centralized Backup Operations Menu
1. Select a server to back up this machine
2. Select a server, delete backups of this machine stored there
3. Select a server, list backups of this machine stored there
4. Select a server to restore this machine
Enter Menu Selection
[ Type q to QUIT, ? for HELP, or ^ to GO BACK ]
Table 8-2: Backup/Restore Functions
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Function From Option (Screen)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Backup Client/Server Option 1 (Screens 8-14 and 15)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Restore Client/Server Option 4 (Screens 8-14 and 15)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
List this client’s backups stored on a server Client Option 3 (Screen 8-14)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
List the client’s backups this server has stored Server Option 3 (Screen 8-15)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Delete this client’s backup stored on a server Client Option 2 (Screen 8-14)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Delete a client’s backup stored on this server Server Option 2 (Screen 8-15)
_ _______________________________________________________________________
_ _______________________________________________________________________
Issue 3 8-35