Reload System Software
If the system crashes, you may need to reload the system software:
1 . Install the UNIX System software
2 . Install the UFS Utility Fixes tape
3 . Remove the inet package
4 . Install the LCS60 application software.
UNIX System Software Installation
Caution: Once the UNIX Software has been loaded, do not reset or power
off the LCS60 without first shutting down the system (/etc/shutdown
-y -g0 -i0) as file damage may result. A new installation of the
UNIX System will destroy all files currently on disks used for the
To install the UNIX System software:
1 . Power off the LCS60.
2 . Insert the UNIX System installation tape (tape 1 of 3) in the tape drive.
(Insert the tape with the label toward the left and the tape guard down.)
3 . Turn the machine on; this will generate the autoboot.
4 . Abort the autoboot by hitting the Break key; this will display the
debugger prompt: 197-Bug>.
5 . Determine which type of drive you have by typing ioi at the 197-Bug>
prompt. The response to the ioi command is shown below for each of the
three types of drives:
Seagate ST5660N
0 0 VME197 0 $00 N SEAGATE ST5660N 0600
Seagate ST11200N
0 0 VME197 0 $00 N SEAGATE ST11200N ST31230 0456
0 0 VME197 0 $00 N FUJITSU M2624F-512 M405
If you a have a Fujitsu drive or a Seagate ST5660N, refer to Appendix D
for UNIX System Software Installation; if you have a Seagate ST11200N
drive, continue with the instructions below.
Issue 3 9-1