Connection Verification
dkcu mlkway/earth/watson
You should get a login prompt from watson.
LCS60 to Data Switch Verification – Loopback Test (dkcu)
Use the dkcu command to verify the connectivity between the local LCS60 and a
data switch. From the LCS60 system console, use the following format:
dkcu <lcs60name>
where <lcs60name> is the name of the LCS60, itself.
As an example, refer to the network in Figure 9-2. In this example, to verify the
connection between the LCS60 morse and the data switch (connection B), enter:
dkcu mlkway/earth/morse
You should get a login prompt from morse.
LCS60 to Local Ethernet Host Verification (ping)
Use the ping command to verify the connectivity between a LCS60 and an Ether-
net host on the LAN attached to the LCS60. Log onto the LCS60 system console
as user root. Enter the following command:
/usr/etc/ping <Ethernethostname>
where the <Ethernethostname> is the internet IP address or host name of a speci-
fied host on the same LAN as the LCS60.
As an example, refer to the network in Figure 9-2. In this example, to verify the
connection between morse and topper (connection C), enter:
/usr/etc/ping topper
Proper communication is verified by continuous messages displayed on the
Issue 3 9-29