FTP ( 1 ) FTP
form format
Set the vertical format control for ASCII and EBCDIC file transfers to for-
mat. Valid formats are carriage-control, non-print (default), and telnet.
Only the non-print format is currently supported.
get remote-file [local-file]
Retrieve the specified remote-file and store it on the local host. If local-file is
not specified, the local file will be named remote-file. File transfer uses the
current settings for type, format, mode, and structure.
glob Toggle local file name globbing. With globbing disabled, all local files and
pathnames are treated literally. With file name globbing enabled, each
local file or pathname is processed for the sh(1) metacharacters *?[]˜. An
additional pair of metacharacters, {}, may enclose several comma-separated
strings, for each of which a match is sought. Globbing is always on with
reference to remote files; it is on by default with reference to local files.
hash Toggle hash mark (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a
data block is 4096 bytes. By default, hash mark printing is off.
help [command]
Display a list of the ftp commands (no argument) or an informative mes-
sage about the specified command.
idle [seconds]
Display the current inactivity timer on the remote host or set it to seconds.
image A synonym for binary.
lcd [directory]
Change the working directory on the local host to the user’s home direc-
tory (no arguments) or to the specified directory.
ls [<-lremote-directory> [local-file]]
A synonym for dir.
macdef mname
Define a macro that will be invoked by using the name mname. Subse-
quent lines will be stored as the macro definition. A null line (consecutive
newlines or carriage returns) will end the macro definition. Within the
macro definition, a dollar sign is used to specify substitution of arguments
from the macro invocation line. The sequence $n, where n is a number,
will be replaced by the nth argument (for example, ‘$1’ is the first argu-
ment). The sequence $i will cause the macro to loop automatically, execut-
ing once with each argument. Escape the dollar sign with a backslash
(‘\$’) to prevent this special treatment. The maximum number of macros
is 16. The maximum definition length is 4096 characters. A macro defini-
tion is valid only for the duration of a connection to a remote host, all mac-
ros are automatically deleted when the connection is closed.
E-12 Issue 3