Processor Diagnostics - MVME197
DP Display Pass Count
HE Help on Tests/Commands
HEX Help Extended
LA Loop Always Mode
LANC LAN Coprocessor (Intel 82596) Tests (DIR)
LC Loop Continuous Mode
LE Loop on Error Mode
LF Line Feed Mode
LN Loop Non-Verbose Mode
MASK Self Test Mask
NCR NCR 53C710 SCSI I/O Processor Test (DIR)
NV Non-Verbose Mode
PCC2 PCCchip2 Tests (DIR)
RAM Random Access Memory Tests (DIR)
RAMCD Generic Memory Tests with Data Cache only (DIR)
RAMCDI Generic Memory Tests with Instruction/Data Cache (DIR)
RTC MK48T0x Timekeeping (DIR)
SE Stop on Error Mode
ST Self Test (DIR)
ST2401 CD2401 Serial Self-Tests (DIR)
VME2 VME2Chip2 Tests (DIR)
ZE Zero Errors
ZP Zero Pass Count
Use the st command at the 197-Diag> prompt to run the self-test firmware
diagnostics. This will list all tests and status (e.g., PASSED) as it runs. A partial
example is shown below:
197-Diag> st
ECDM REGS: Register Checks...................... Running ---> PASSED
ECDM CHKGEN: Checkbit Generation................ Running ---> PASSED
ECDM CHKRAM: Checkbit DRAM Test................. Running ---> PASSED
ECDM SBEC: SBE Control Options.................. Running ---> PASSED
ECDM SBEP: SBE Permutations..................... Running ---> BYPASS
ECDM DBEC: DBE Control Options.................. Running ---> PASSED
ECDM DBEP: DBE Permutations..................... Running ---> BYPASS
ECDM INITCK: INIT Function Check................ Running ---> PASSED
ECDM I2C: I2C Bus Interface Check............... Running ---> PASSED
BSW REGS: Register Checks...................... Running ---> PASSED
BSW TMR1A: Timer 1 Counter..................... Running ---> PASSED
Use the sd command to return to the debugger prompt and then reboot as
9-24 Issue 3