Access to Gateway Services – Dialstrings
Return to DESTINATION Option
The LCS60 can be configured to drop the telnet connection if the host to which
the user is trying to telnet is unavailable. Without this feature, trying to reach an
unavailable host would result in putting the user at the telnet> prompt and
could possibly allow unauthorized connection to other LAN hosts. With this
feature enabled, the connection is taken down completely if the host is unavail-
To enable this option, edit the /etc/opt/dk/srvtab/telnet file for telnet and/or the
/etc/opt/dk/srvtab/tcpsock file for tcpsock by adding the -eoff option. An example
of editing the telnet file is shown below:
# System Service Flag User Program Initial Parms
* telnet R root /usr/etc/lcs/ftslisten \
User Information
The gateway services include:
and are accessed by the telnet and/or socket service.
7-10 Issue 3