Error Messages
Incoming Error Messages
SLIP Sessions
The LCS60 may send the following messages to the SLIP user:
<IP address> is out of range
The IP/SLIP client requested an <IP address> on his/her data switch dial-
string that was not within the range of the IP network and subnetwork
mask associated with the called IP Network Security Group (i.e., the
dkserver service name).
<IP address> is reserved
The IP/SLIP client requested an <IP address> on his/her data switch dial-
string that has been reserved by the LCS60 administrator. If a user wishes
to request his/her own reserved IP address, then he/she should omit the
IP address from his/her data switch dialstring.
slip is busy
The SLIP service has reached its maximum allowed number of concurrent
sessions or else the user’s reserved IP address is in use by another session
for the same user. Try again later, or else have the LCS60 administrator
raise the limit.
<IP address> is busy
The IP/SLIP client requested an <IP address> on his/her data switch dial-
string that has already been allocated to another user.
dkserver <dkserver name> does not have an IP network configured
The IP/SLIP client has called into the LCS60 using <dkserver name> as
the data switch dialstring’s local component. However, no IP Network
Security Group (and therefore no IP network) is associated with that
<dkserver name>. This should not happen unless the LCS60 administrator
has deleted an IP Network Security Group, the ipas daemon terminates
and is restarted, and dkhost is not restarted.
network is down
The SLIP service has been taken out of service by the LCS60 administrator.
C-10 Issue 3