Error Messages
Outgoing Call Error Messages
Note: If you try to contact a remote host from the DESTINATION: prompt, any
one of the errors 130–136 may occur. The error message will be identi-
fied by its appropriate error code in the following error message where
xxx is the code number.
Dkserver: Can’t push your streams module.
The call could not be completed because the configured STREAMS
modules could not be pushed onto the open channel.
You may also see this error message on an incoming call from a DESTINA-
TION prompt displayed as error code 131.
Dkserver: Invalid protocol requested.
The call could not be completed because the remote server did not under-
stand the connection protocol.
You may also see this error message on an incoming call from a DESTINA-
TION prompt displayed as error code 132.
Dkserver: Dksrvtab not readable. Call System Administrator
The call could not be completed because the server tables (files in
/etc/opt/dk/srvtab) on the remote host were unreadable or damaged.
You may also see this error message on an incoming call from a DESTINA-
TION prompt displayed as error code 133.
Dkserver: Can’t chroot. Call System Administrator
The call could not be completed because the remote server could not
change root to the home directory of the caller on the remote host.
You may also see this error message on an incoming call from a DESTINA-
TION prompt displayed as error code 134.
C-4 Issue 3