Reload System Software
Set Display Options
The display options currently assume your terminal has:
24 lines
unknown cursor addressing
1) No change, proceed with installation or upgrade
2) Change the number of lines and return to this screen
3) Select vt100 cursor addressing
4) Select wyse50 cursor addressing
5) Select unknown cursor addressing
Enter option number of choice: [ 1-5 ] ( 1 ) 1
UNIX SYSTEM V/88 Release 4 Upgrade/Installation
You have the following options:
1) Full installation
2) Upgrade an existing R40V2 or later system
3) Exit without doing anything (reboot)
4) Enter maintenance mode
Enter option number of choice: [ 1-4 ] 1
Installation Warning
| CAUTION: A new installation of the UNIX system will destroy |
| all files currently on disks used for the installation. |
| |
| If you have not made a backup and want to do so, enter ānā. |
Do you want to continue? [ y n ] y
Package Selection Confirmation
The following packages are available for installation.
Those currently selected for installation are marked by ā*ā:
C2sec *ed *mvme337 *sds
*Motif *els *mvme338 *siff
*NCD *enet1x7 *mvme376 *spell
*X11 *envmon *mvme37x *sys
X11contrb *face *mvme385 *sysadm
*acct *fsd *nfs *tarlist
*bnu gold nis *tbx
*cdfs *inet *nsu *terminf
*cds *ipc ocscomp *ufs
*compat *lp *perf *usrenv
*dfm *man *rfs *xcp
*dfs *mvme332xt *rpc
1) Proceed to install packages as shown
2) View package descriptions and/or change selection
Enter option number of choice: [ 1-2 ] ( 1 ) Return
Installation Disk Configuration
Issue 3 9-3