-s Show interfaces. Display the ip interfaces that ifstat supports. ifstat does
not display interfaces not currently configured under ip. For example, for
the two MVME376 boards in a system, if only the first board is configured
under ip, ifstat displays the first board and not the second. Examine the con-
figuration files under /etc/ifstat.conf to learn all the possible interfaces ifstat
can support.
-t Terminfo unsupported. Used with terminals that do not have terminfo(4)
entries or do not support curses(3X) commands.
-z Zero statistics. Zeroes ifstat’s version of the statistics. When used with the
-f option, causes cumulative statistics to begin at 0. Certain tagged statistics
in the config file are unaffected by this option, i.e., they are not counters and
therefore, always show the same (non-zeroed) value. NOTE: this command
does not actually zero the statistics kept in the driver, only the version ifstat
-l interval
Display interval. The number of seconds to wait before gathering and
displaying another set of statistics. This option is useful only in conjunction
with -f. ifstat treats this value as an unsigned integer.
ifstat prints a standard header before displaying any statistics. The header con-
sists of the name of the device the ifstat is requesting statistics from followed by
the current time. ifstat then prints a blank line followed by the actual statistics. A
user should examine the MACIOC GETSTATS ioctl description in a correspond-
ing driver man page to ascertain the exact meaning of the statistics displayed from
its configuration file. A driver man page that does not describe the MACIOC
GETSTATS ioctl does not support ifstat. Not all drivers corresponding to the sec-
tion 7 man pages in the SEE ALSO section support ifstat.
stty(1), curses(3X), ifstat.conf(4), terminfo(4), dlce(7), e1x7(7), ip(7), lo(7), m385(7),
ppp(7), slip(7).
ifstat displays the requested statistics, then exits with a 0 status. If ifstat does not
terminate normally, it displays an error message to stderr and returns a non-zero
exit status as follows:
1 Errors were found in the command line arguments.
2 config file does not exist
3 Failed to open the ip device to get interfaces
4 SIOCGIFCONF (get interfaces) ioctl to ip failed
E-22 Issue 3