dkmaint – host interface maintenance
dkmaint – r – i interface [ – c channel ] [ – v ]
dkmaint is a program used to reset and perform other maintenance operations on
host interfaces or channels. When the ’– r’ option is specified, dkmaint sends an
ioctl(2) to the host interface driver which eventually causes M_HANGUP messages
to be issued to each process using the specified channel. Use of the ’– i’ option
without the ’– c’ option resets all channels on a given interface. dkmaint must be
run as root.
The following flags are recognized by dkmaint:
– r Reset-Used to reset the host interface or channel specified. Any
active connections on the interface/channel selected will be
closed as a result of the reset operation.
– i interface Specifies which host interface to reset. One and only one interface
must be specified on the command line. To reset all host inter-
faces installed on a system, dkmaint must be run multiple times.
– c channel Specifies a channel to reset. Combined with the – i option, a sin-
gle channel on a single interface is reset.
– v Verbose Option used for debugging and trouble shooting. The
dkmaint command works silently without the ’– v’ option.
/opt/dk/sbin directory in which this command resides
/dev/dk/ctlX Common Signaling Channel device for interface X
dkdaemon(1M), dkhs(7), dkux(7).
ioctl(2), close(2) in the UNIX System V Programmer’s Reference Manual.
The dkmaint command reports errors when it cannot open the driver control
device for the specified interface. It also reports if the host interface driver returns
an error when the ioctl(2) request is issued.
Resetting a channel with dkmaint will cause the host interface driver to request
that the process currently using the requested channel release [close(2)] the chan-
nel. This is done by sending an M_HANGUP message from the driver up
STREAM to the process. This is designed to look like having the remote side of the
connection disappear. The action that the process takes is application dependent.
E-8 Issue 3