This glossary is provided as an easy reference for terms and parameters used
throughout this document.
The following terms are used throughout this document.
AppleTalk A link independent protocol developed by Apple.
ARA Apple Remote Access. An ARAP client package from Apple
Computer Co.
ARAP AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol. A set of protocols that
allows a client computer to connect to an AppleTalk network via
a serial connection.
call address The data switch address used to establish connectivity between
CCL Connection control language.
data switch Datakit II VCS, BNS-1000, or BNS-2000.
This service allows LAN hosts to query the LCS60 to obtain a
listing of all TCP-to-async port numbers, associated PDDs, and
the service type of each port number. Only one port may act as a
directory port at a time.
DNS Domain Name Server.
ELAP EtherTalk Link Access Protocol. EtherTalk is Appleās data link
protocol that allows Ethernet cables to be used to connect an
AppleTalk network.
frame type Indicates the Ethernet or Novell framing type.
host A workstation connected to a network or subnetwork.
host inter-
face name
In TCP/IP Protocol, the name given to the interface. A host can
have more than one host interface name. (In Figure 3-1,
morse-e0 is the interface name.)
Issue 3 G-1