Enable, 8-bit
This prompt will be displayed for telnet ports only; enter y to
allow the administrator to configure the service port with 8-bit
character mode enabled. The default (n) is 7-bit character mode.
Enter the time in minutes in which the session will terminate if
there is no input or output. The default is n which is a two
minute wait.
PDD To associate a call address with this TCP-to-async port, enter a
PDD in the form area/exchange/local address (e.g.,
mlkway/earth/yard) or local address (e.g., yard).
port number Enter the number of the port you wish to configure.
server type
Enter nac if your system uses a Lucent Technologies Network
Access Control System (NAC) R4.0 to provide security service.
Enter other if this service is provided by a non-Lucent Technolo-
gies security server.
service type Enter the type of service being configured: telnet, directory,
TCP win-
dow size
The allowed values for the TCP window size are: 512, 1024, 2048,
4096, 8192, and 16384; the default is 1024. Generally, choose a
small window size for telnet connections, and a larger window
size for file transfers.
Wait for
Enter the time in minutes in which the connection attempt will
be dropped if no input is received. The default is a two minute
Subnetwork Configuration (subnet)
address Subnetwork addresses are specified in Interface dotted notation.
For example, 154.12.26 is a subnetwork of Class B network
address 154.12.
host If you know a host on the subnetwork, you can enter h. The host
address entered in the next prompt will be used to calculate the
subnet address.
host address The address of the host on this subnet. The subnet address will
be calculated from this host address.
Issue 3 G-7