Document Organization
This installation and administration guide is arranged as follows:
Feature Description Chapter 1 describes the LCS60 and its supported ser-
Hardware Installa-
Chapter 2 gives all the information needed to install the
General Software
Chapter 3 details the basic configuration procedures for
the LCS60 and gives examples of configuring the sup-
ported services (PPP, SLIP, ARAP, Gateway).
PPP Configuration
and Administration
Chapter 4 gives the specific instructions for configuring
and administering the PPP service.
SLIP Configuration
and Administration
Chapter 5 gives the specific instructions for configuring
and administering the SLIP service.
ARAP Configura-
tion and Administra-
Chapter 6 gives the specific instructions for configuring
and administering the ARAP service.
Gateway Services
Configuration and
Chapter 7 gives the specific instructions for configuring
and administering the Async-to-TCP service, including
details of the UUCP feature and the Telnet service.
Administration Chapter 8 provides detailed instructions on administer-
ing the LCS60 system.
Maintenance Chapter 9 provides maintenance procedures for reload-
ing and removing the software, performing board diag-
nostics, and verifying connections.
Originating Group
Appendix A briefly defines the originating group secu-
rity built into the LCS60 using the srvtab files.
StarKeeper II NMS Appendix B provides configuration instructions for the
StarKeeper II NMS and lists the LCS60 alarms reported
by the StarKeeper II NMS.
User Error Messages Error messages that the user may encounter are listed in
Appendix C.
Issue 3 1-1