The LCS60 provides the required hardware and software for the interface
between LAN and data switch network resources.
The LCS60 provides high-speed connectivity between Ethernet networks and the
Lucent Technologies family of data switches (Datakit II VCS 2.1 or greater, BNS-
1000, and BNS-2000).
Each LCS60 has the following components:
A CPU board to run the LCS60 software and to provide one Ethernet LAN
A VMEDKHS board to provide a fiber interface to the data switch CPM-
HS trunk board
Communication between boards within the LCS60 is handled over a VME bus.
The LCS60 expands the connectivity and enhances the functionality of the Lucent
Technologies data switch product line by allowing LAN and data switch net-
work environments to communicate. Some of the benefits include:
Device-to-device connectivity over multiple LANs
Improved capability to develop and use distributed processing environ-
Access through the most commonly used network protocols
Data switch network access to LAN data
Modular design which permits easy expansion as needs increase.
Issue 3 1-5