Error Messages
Outgoing Call Error Messages
host. This can be caused by:
1 . The server name is not defined in the data switch control computer
2 . The name is not assigned to a group
3 . The group is not assigned to the host-connected CPM-HS module.
Address too long
The call was denied because the length of the dialstring was larger than
the network maximum.
All channels busy
All assigned ports/channels are in use or are marked as not available by
the remote endpoint.
All trunk channels busy
One of the network control computers has run out of some resource and is
unable to process the call at this time.
Auto dialer failed to initiate call. Try again
The autodialer on the called port responded to the data switch node and
failed during dialing. If this message appears more than twice in succes-
sion, contact the data switch Network Administrator.
Bad Parameter
The dkdial routine was called with an invalid parameter.
Call did not go through. Try again.
The autodialer on the called port responded to the data switch node and
failed during dialing. If this message appears more than twice in succes-
sion, contact the data switch Network Administrator.
Call Failed
Unknown call setup or remote host error.
Connection broken. Try again later
The call cannot be completed. The connection was broken enroute to the
destination. Try again.
C-2 Issue 3