Memory Dump
If the LCS60 hangs and a memory dump is required, do the following:
1 . Log the console session on a PC, if possible. Information must be recorded
to evaluate the dump, and logging the session is, therefore, required.
2 . Display the debugger prompt by pressing the 197 board Abort button.
(Refer to Figure 9-1).
Caution: Do not use the Reset button, this will clear the current
memory status ( Abort leaves the current status intact).
Pressing the Abort button will dump all of the current program regis-
ters to the screen. This information is vital.
3 . A typical register dump is shown in the screen below:
PC =000054AC SR =3000=TR:OFF_SM_0_..... VBR =00004000
USP =01FFFEF8 MSP* =04000E64 ISP =0018BBFC SFC =1=UD
CACR =2111=D:W..E_I:B.E CAAR =00000000 DFC =1=UD
D0 =00000000 D1 =00000020 D2 =00003600 D3 =0000001C
D4 =0000001C D5 =00000000 D6 =00002000 D7 =00000000
A0 =00000000 A1 =00010202 A2 =00000000 A3 =0017F980
A4 =0017EBA0 A5 =001398E8 A6 =04000E70 A7 =04000E64
000054AC 4E75 RTS
4 . If there is no dump of register information, enter rd at the 197-Diag>
prompt to dump the registers.
5 . At the 197-Diag> prompt enter menu for the Service Menu (Screen 9-8).
9-30 Issue 3