Access to Gateway Services – Dialstrings
Telnet Service
The following dialstring options are available for the telnet service. The usage is:
telnet [-e<offchar>] [-8] [-B] [-D<offchar>] [-M:rawuucp] [-tterminal] [-w<1-16k>] host-name [port]
When using more than one option, the options must be separated by a colon (:).
-e<offchar> Allows the user to turn the telnet local escape key off or set it to
something other than the default of Ctrl-] .
-8 Allows 8-bit character mode.
-B Negotiates with the remote host binary telnet character mode
processing. Otherwise, the user must escape into the local telnet
and manually negotiate binary mode with the remote host.
-D<offchar> Allows the user to disable the local delete key option or set it to
something other than the default (ASCII DELETE, i.e., 0x7f). For
example, the user may choose to set it to Ctrl-C which is the
default delete key for Sun Workstations. This option, if enabled,
will recognize the Delete key and map it to the TELNET IAC
AO and IAC IP sequence which is sent to the remote host.
-M:rawuucp Allows the user to transfer binary files across the telnet session
between two cooperating hosts. This option is usually used
when either uucp or kermit-like file transfer facilities are used.
When selected, this option automatically disables the local escape
key and negotiates binary mode with the remote host.
host-name Is the remote IP dotted host address or a DNS hostname.
-tterminal Allows the user to specify a terminal type (e.g., vt100) that will
be negotiated if requested by the LAN host during initial
handshake with the LAN host. A default terminal type of
unknown is used if a terminal type is not specified.
-w<1-16K> Allows the user to specify a TCP window size that will override
the default (2K) for each session. This option allows more data
throughput, therefore a session will be blocked during data
transfer operations. The recommended values are: 1K (1024), 2K
(2048), 4K (4096), 8K (8192), 16K (16384).
7-8 Issue 3