lcsadm Interface
Screen 8-7: Config Directory
Top> config
NOTICE: ’config’ requires super-user permission
Password: xxxx
># Return
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
addhost addnet atalkas backup console
datetime delhost delnet dftroute dns
etherif help initsetup ipas ipx
manager/ maxsessions nodename ports/ protocol
quit service/ session/ snmp softwarekey
srvports srvsetup subnet top/ upgrade
viewhosts viewnets ^ !
Note: The Config directory requires the root password. If you have previously
supplied the root password, the system will not ask for it.
In addition to the commands described in detail in Chapters 3–7, the following
configuration commands are available from the Config directory:
Name addhost/delhost or addnet/delnet
Synopsis addhost or addnet
Description The addhost/delhost commands allow the system adminis-
trator to add or delete hosts (names and addresses) in the
network by adjusting the LCS60 database file. The addnet/
delnet commands allow the system administrator to add or
delete the network by adjusting the LCS60 database file.
Name datetime
Synopsis datetime
Description This command allows the system administrator to set the
date and time. Refer to initsetup in Chapter 3.
Issue 3 8-17