3Com WXR100 3CRWXR10095A Video Game Controller User Manual

Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You must disable all radios that are using a radio profile before
you can change parameters in the profile. Use the set radio-profile
mode command
Examples — The following command changes the beacon interval for
radio profile rp1 to 200 ms:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 beacon-interval 200
success: change accepted.
See Also
display radio-profile on page 350
set radio-profile mode on page 416
set radio-profile
Enables or disables countermeasures on the MAP radios managed by a
radio profile. Countermeasures are packets sent by a radio to prevent
clients from being able to use rogue access points.
CAUTION: Countermeasures affect wireless service on a radio. When a
MAP radio is sending countermeasures, the radio is disabled for use by
network traffic, until the radio finishes sending the countermeasures.
MAP radios can also issue countermeasures against interfering devices.
An interfering device is not part of the 3Com network but also is not a
rogue. No client connected to the device has been detected
communicating with any network entity listed in the forwarding database
(FDD) of any WX in the Mobility Domain. Although the interfering device
is not connected to your network, the device might be causing RF
interference with MAP radios.
set radio-profile name countermeasures {all | rogue
| configured | none}
name — Radio profile name.
all — Configures radios to attack rogues and interfering devices.
rogue — Configures radios to attack rogues only.