
Chapter 3 Function and Performance Specifications
3.3.4 High-Speed Counter Specifications
Single phase Two phase
Available input X0, X2, X4, X6 X0 and X2 in pair
Input voltage ON 15 V
Count pulse width
100 µs
Maximum count frequency 10 kHz each channel
Count register 16 bits
Coincidence output Allowed
On/Off-preset Allowed
Upper/lower limit setting Not allowed
Preload/strobe Allowed
Since 10 points type does not have input X6, counter channel is up to 3 ch.
3.3.5 PWM Output/Pulse Train Output Specifications
23-point and 28-point type
Relay Output
Transistor Output
Available outputs Y100 (optional) Y100-Y103 (optional)
Load voltage 5/12/24 V 12/24 V
Minimum load current 1 mA
PWM max. output frequency *1 2 kHz total channels
Pulse train max. output frequency *1 5 kHz total channels
Pulse acceleration/deceleration By FUN 151.
*1: Relay outputs cannot keep up with high frequencies; these outputs should be used at the operating frequency upon confirmation.
3.3.6 Analogue Input Specifications
Module type 23 points module Analog exp. unit
Input channel WX30, WX31 WX u01 - WX u04
(u : unit number)
0-10 V (10.24V max.) 0-10V (10.24V max.)
-10 to +10V (±10.24V max.)
0-20 mA (20.48 mA max.) 0-20 mA (20.48 mA max.)
Input range
- 4-20 mA (20.38 mA max.)
Resolution 12 bits
Accuracy ±1 % of full scale
Linearity Max. +/-3 units
Current input impedance
Approx. 249
Voltage input impedance
Approx. 100 k Approx. 200 k
Input delay time 20 ms
Channel to internal circuit insulation Not insulated Insulated
Channel-to-channel insulation Not insulated