Hitachi NJI-350B Video Game Controller User Manual

Chapter 5 Instruction specifications
(6) "t" parameter
: Set by user[0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][A][B]
[0] Execution bit:
Set "1" by user program to send data. This bit is reset after communication completed.
[1] Communication completed :
This bit is set "1" when communication completed without error, and reset at communication starting.
[2] Communication failed :
This bit is set "1" when communication fails, and reset at communication starting.
[3] Initialize :
Set "1" by user program to initialize RECV 0 command. If this bit is on while communication, the communication
is forced to be stopped.
[4] Initialize completed :
This bit is set "1" when initializing completed without error. Initialize bit [3] is reset at this timing.
[5] Send enabled :
Set "1" by user program if CPU needs to send data after data receiving. This bit is reset after communication
[6] Parity error flag :
This bit is set "1" when parity error detected.
[7] Framing error :
This bit is set "1" when framing error detected.
[8] Overrun error :
This bit is set "1" when overrun error detected.
[9] Timeout :
This bit is set "1" when timeout detected.
[A] Input buffer full :
This bit is set "1" when input buffer full
[B] Conflict error :
This bit is set "1" when TRNS 0 or RECV 0 commands are duplicated.
Bit [6] to [B] is reset at initializing and RECV 0 executed.
(7) Sending/receiving data format (See TRNS 0 command)
Be sure to switch port type at first from dedicated port to general purpose port by FUN 5 command in user program.
If CPU receives data by RECV command after data sending, sent data could be failed depending on timing. In such a case,
RECV command with "send enabled" is recommended.
No contact nor condition is allowed to use with RECV 0 command.
Be sure to set [0] Execution bit high in 2
scan or later. (Not in 1
If parameter setting is wrong, error code H52 (TRNS/RECV command error) is set in WRF000 in some cases.
ER signal is set on in the following condition.
Communication executed properly.
ER signal is set off in the following condition.
- Initialized bit being set "1" while communication.
- CPU status changed RUNSTOPRUN while communication
- Timeout while communication.
- s, t parameters overwritten and range error while communication.
RECV 0 (d, s, t)