KVM s3 Client Explorer Searching for a target device in the local database
If a browser is used for access, no user name and password prompt opens.
If the Video Viewer is used for access, a user name and password prompt opens if
this is the first access attempt during the KVM s3 Client session.
After a unit is accessed, subsequent access attempts for any unit that uses the
same user name and password credentials during this KVM s3 Client session do
not require a user name and password.
The configured access method for that target device opens in a new window.
3.4.2 Searching for a target device in the local database
Click the Devices tab and insert the cursor in the Search field.
Type the search information. This could be a target device name or a property such
as type or location.
Click the Search button. The results are included in the Unit list.
Complete one of the following steps:
• Review the results of the search.
• Click the Clear Results button to open the entire list again.
Auto-searching by typing in the Unit list
Click the Devices tab, then click on any item in the Unit list.
Begin typing the first few characters of a target device name. The highlight moves
to the first target device name beginning with those characters. To reset the search
so you can find another target device, pause for a few seconds and then type the
first few characters of the next target device.
If the target device you are attempting to access is currently being viewed by another
user, you can preempt the user so you can have access to that target device, or request
a shared session with that user (KVM sharing is available only on KVM s2-0411, KVM
s3-1621, and KVM s3-1641 appliances). For more information, see “Using preemption”
on page 38 and “Using digital share mode” on page 41.
3.5 Customizing properties
The Properties window in the Explorer contains the following tabs: General, Network,
Information, and, if the selected unit is a device, Connections. Use these tabs to view
and change properties for the selected unit.
3.5.1 Viewing and changing general properties
In general properties, you can specify a unit Name, Type (target device only), Icon, Site,
Department, and Location. (To customize the Site, Department, and Location field
labels, see “Changing custom field names” on page 25.)