3Com WX1200 3CRWX120695A Video Game Controller User Manual

History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Format of 802.1X
authentication rule information in
display dot1x config output
changed in MSS Version 3.2. The rules are still listed at the top of the
display, but more information is shown for each rule.
Examples — Type the following command to display the 802.1X clients:
WX4400# display dot1x clients
MAC Address State Vlan Identity
------------- ------- ------ ----------
00:20:a6:48:01:1f Connecting (unknown)
00:05:3c:07:6d:7c Authenticated vlan-it EXAMPLE\jose
00:05:5d:7e:94:83 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\singh
00:02:2d:86:bd:38 Authenticated vlan-eng bard@xmple.com
00:05:5d:7e:97:b4 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\havel
00:05:5d:7e:98:1a Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\nash
00:0b:be:a9:dc:4e Authenticated vlan-pm xalik@xmple.com
00:05:5d:7e:96:e3 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\mishan
00:02:2d:6f:44:77 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\ethan
00:05:5d:7e:94:89 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\fmarshall
00:06:80:00:5c:02 Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\bmccarthy
00:02:2d:6a:de:f2 Authenticated vlan-pm neailey@xmple.com
00:02:2d:5e:5b:76 Authenticated vlan-pm EXAMPLE\tamara
00:02:2d:80:b6:e1 Authenticated vlan-cs dmc@xmple.com
00:30:65:16:8d:69 Authenticated vlan-wep MAC authenticated
00:02:2d:64:8e:1b Authenticated vlan-eng EXAMPLE\wong
Type the following command to display the 802.1X configuration:
WX1200# display dot1x config
802.1X user policy
'host/bob-laptop.mycorp.com' on ssid 'mycorp' doing PASSTHRU
'bob.mycorp.com' on ssid 'mycorp' doing PASSTHRU (bonded)