T1/T1S User’s Manual
6. Programming Information
Counter devices and registers (C./C)
The counter registers (C) are used for storing the count value of the counter (CNT) and
the up-down counter (U/D) instructions.
The counter devices (C.) works as the output of the counter instructions.
It is possible to specify the C registers as retentive to retain their data in the event of a
power failure. See section 5.3.
Data registers (D)
Functionally the data registers (D) are the same as auxiliary relay registers (RW) except
that the D registers cannot be used as devices.
A part of the data registers are saved in the built-in EEPROM as fixed data and
transferred into the RAM at the initial load. See section 5.2.
Range of the data registers saved in the EEPROM:
T1 T1S
D0000 to D0511 User specified range
starting with D0000
(up to 2048 words)
It is possible to specify the D registers as retentive to retain their data in the event of a
power failure. See section 5.3.
Index registers (I, J, and K)
These index registers are used for indirect addressing for a register.
For example, if the value of I is 100 in the following register expression, it designates
D0100. For details, refer to section 6.2.
D0000 D0100 if I=100
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