T1/T1S User’s Manual
5. Operating System Overview
5.2 About the built-in EEPROM
The T1/T1S is equipped with a built-in EEPROM and a RAM as standard features.
The user program is stored in the EEPROM so that the user program can be maintained
without the need of a battery. A part of the Data register can also be stored in the
The table below shows the contents stored in the built-in EEPROM.
T1 T1S
User program Entire program (2 k steps) and
System information
Entire program (8 k steps) and
System information
User data Leading 512 words of Data
register (fixed).
D0000 - D0511
User specified number of Data
register starting with address
0. It is set by SW55.
D0000 - Dnnnn
(up to 2048 words)
Other data
SW36 - SW38:
Programmer port settings
Number of Data register to
be saved in the EEPROM
SW56 - SW57:
RS-485 port settings
The user program and the data stored in the EEPROM is transferred to the RAM when
power is turned on. Subsequent program execution is done based on the RAM contents.
Program editing is also performed on the RAM contents.
Therefore, if the program is modified, it is necessary to issue the EEPROM Write
command from the programming tool. Otherwise, the modified program is over-
written by original EEPROM contents when the power is turned off and on again.
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